Thursday, January 28, 2016

Beauty Sleep

Sleep seems to be a mythical concept for college students. Students may fill their time with work, late night homework sessions, Netflix marathons, parties, or participating in school events.  There are number of things calling our attention and time; social life, good grades, our health and even sleep.

Googling "college sleeping tips" will pull up missions of  results from quotes, infographics, Pins, articles, and research. With all that information condemning all-nighters, midnight McDonald's runs, or running off coffee it can be a little discouraging. But don't fret, you are not alone. We are all struggling with getting enough sleep. Me included.

College is full of opportunities for learning no matter the situation. Learning to deal with roommates, group assignments, how to cook semi-healthy, how not to gain or lose the freshman fifteen, how to manage your time, and and learning to get enough sleep.

Here's college tested tips on bettering your sleep:

Tips on Sleep

CampusMindWorks recommends a couple of tips to sleep better.

  • Put down all technology 30 minutes before bed. 
  • No caffeine after 3 pm. 

Cosmopolitan gives advice on beautifying your body while you sleep.

  • Moisturize your face and lips every night. 
  • Change and wash your pillowcases often. 
  • Go to bed with a clean face. suggests some ways to get better zzz's. 
  • Keep a journal by your bed to write down midnight thoughts. 
  • Set sleep into your priorities. 

Ultralinx points out simple changes that will better your sleep.
  • Go to bed around the same time each night. 
  • Use the bed only for sleep. 
  • Keep the lights lowly lit in your bedroom. 

For more ideas, tips, and articles check out my Pinterest. 

Have any other sleeping tips? Comment Below! 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Simplify Your Body

The human body is a complex organism. We have 206 bones. It takes 17 muscles to smile compared to the 43 to frown. We have about 100 billion neurons in our brains. The largest organ in the human body is the skin. The human body is complicated and complex.

Becoming healthier shouldn't be.

Three weeks ago, we rang in a new year along with resolutions to accomplish. Common resolutions tend to be focused on becoming healthier, happier, or wealthier. New year resolutions trends show about 8% of individuals achieve their resolutions and 64% maintain their resolution for six months. Maybe it is time for me to join to the ranks.

My resolutions: Exercise 2-4x a week, Snack Healthier, and Be Happy.

My first week was great; I exercised three times, ate little to no sweets, and smile/laughed often. Then I went back to college and life got crazy. I discovered if I truly wanted to be healthier I needed pace myself and start simple.

Here's some tips to simplifying your exercising and eating habits:

Simple Exercise Habits

Recommit to yourself and to a better lifestyle with Katie McLaughlin's five tips:

  1. Start Easy
  2. Partner Up
  3. Dress the Part
  4. Try Something New
  5. Reward Yourself for Showing Up

Create and follow a plan with Kimberly Grabinski 's monthly exercise plan for each skill type. Exercises include:

  • Jumping Jack
  • Crunches
  • Push Ups
  • Plank
  • Squats
  • Calf Raises
  • Walking

For more ideas check out my Pinterest Board

Simple Food Habits

Find healthy alternatives than the cookies and chips with SkinnyMs.' clean eating snacks. Snacks include:
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Dried Fruit
  • Peanut Butter
  • *Homemade* Kale Chips
  • Hummus
  • *Homemade* Sweet Potatoes Fries

Re-hydrate and reap the many benefits with water:

  1. Stronger Hair & Nails
  2. Healthy Scalp
  3. Weight Loss
  4. Smooth Skin &* Clearer Acne
  5. Bright, Clear Eyes. 
For more ideas, check out my Pinterest Board.

What are your resolutions? How are you accomplishing them? 

Comment below!! 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Disappointment Allows Growth

Southern Utah University's Greek community conducted their semi-annual Rush Week this week, January 11-15, 2016.

There are four active Greek organizations; Alpha Phi (sorority), Delta Psi Omega (sorority), Sigma Chi (fraternity), and Chi Phi (fraternity). SUU's Greek life allows students various leadership opportunities, service in their communities, fundraising for charities, and belonging to something bigger than themselves.

Sorority Ever After defines 'rush week' is a process of open and invited events for potential new members and the organization to  mutually select new members.

For the first half of this week I had the opportunity to rush Alpha Phi. I learned a lot about myself, the members of Alpha Phi and what Alpha Phi stands for as an international Greek organization.

  • There is no need to compare myself with others. We each are beautiful, quirky, and shouldn't be ashamed to show that to others. 
  • Being part of a sorority is more than a being in the social upper-class. It is a opportunity for personal growth, the building of skills, and bettering the community. 
  • Every sister in Alpha Phi is kind, unique, and an example of their six values. 
  • A sorority can become a home away from home and provide individuals with the support and encouragement they need during college.
  • Potential members can be influenced by the sorority's examples and values, even if they don't get to join that rush week. 

Unfortunately, I won't get the opportunity to join Alpha Phi this semester because I was not invited to their Thursday evening activity. Alpha Phi's directors were respectful and kind when informing me and the Alpha Phi sisters were still kind and friendly to me while in passing. But I was still disappointed.

The waves of disappointment crashed various times during the day, a lot harder than I anticipated. Subconsciously I had grown more fond of the idea of being part of Alpha Phi, having that large support group, and expanding my experiences in leadership and service.

Tiny Buddha author, Raeeka writes how disappointment can be one of the most "uncomfortable feelings" and some 4 Steps to Deal with Disappointment.

  • Let it out -- Don't bottle up your confusing emotions because what you are feeling is okay. You are allowed to experience those emotions. 
  • Get some perspective -- Give the situation time to relax without pushing yourself. 
  • Know your heart -- Don't forget about your values and make the choice on how you'll react. You have the power to over disappointment. 
  • Practice Acceptance -- Understand that life will always have disappointments while still noticing the good things in life. 

As for me, the waves of disappointment will probably continue to crash for the remainder of the week and into next week. I will allow myself to be disappointed, to be hurt, to grieve, and to cry. Then I will allow myself to be happy, to be kind, and to try again.

The opportunity to rush Alpha Phi helped me acknowledge my confidence within, embrace the uniqueness of me, meet sweet people, and support the expression of my values in my daily actions. So while I will be sad, it will still be a great day.